1) Program Manager
* To oversee a social impact project with project financial monitoring
* To coordinate drivers training and dispatch, road transport safety and delivery
* To communicate with social services clients for events coordination
* To deliver professional services to beneficiaries to maintain strong relationships with users and clients
* Handling daily operation regarding to project
* To provide on-site coordination for different events/activities
* To perform any other appropriate duties as assigned by CEO
* Minimum 5 years experience in related fields, with driving experience
* University graduate in related fields
* Positive working attitude, strong team player and willing to learn
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills
* Attention to detail and organized
* 5 days’ work duties (8 hours per day covering weekdays and weekend)
2) Program Officer
* To perform administrative duties which include events arrangement and project reporting
* To deliver professional services to beneficiaries to maintain strong relationships with users and clients
* Handling daily operation regarding to project
* To provide on-site support for different events/activities
* To perform any other appropriate duties as assigned by supervisors
* Minimum 2 years experience in related field
* University graduate in related fields
* Positive working attitude, strong team player and willing to learn
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills
* Attention to detail and organized
* 5 days’ work duties (8 hours per day covering weekdays and weekend)
* Experience in kids education/training is an advantage
Location: Fo Tan *(or other branch locations such as Sham Shui Po/ events venue)
Interested parties, please email your resume and expected salary to info@rollingbooks.hk by 5 Nov 2023.
About the Company
Rolling Books is a social enterprise to promote reading experience. With the concept of mobile pop-up libraries and events, we are bringing interactive and engaging reading activities to schools and caring communities, aiming to inspire children to seek their lifelong companionship with books. We partner with a diversity of organisations for innovation projects to promote reading accessibility and sustainable knowledge, aiming to connect a new generation of readers in the challenging digital age.

滾動快訊 News
民社服務中心 (People Service Centre) 獲 深水埗區議會 資助,Rolling Books 全力支持的「社區傳書2020」活動即將開展,現向社會大眾為深水埗基層家庭的兒童收集全新或狀態良好的二手童書📚,我們會於未來幾個月通過上門派發、社區換書等活動轉贈給深水埗區內的基層家庭兒童,希望透過二手童書回收活動,向公眾宣揚環保意識之餘,亦會舉辦線上讀書會,讓孩子們有更多持續閱讀的機會,在書本中收穫更多的欣喜,慢慢儲備改變自己命運的力量。
主辦:民社服務中心 (People Service Centre)
協辦:Rolling Books
📚 所需全新或狀態良好的二手兒童圖書
如有查詢,請電郵至booksdonation@rollingbooks.hk 。
民社服務中心 (People Service Centre) 保留收集與否及處理圖書的最後權利。
A) 民社海麗兒童發展中心 PSCHK Hoi Lai Children Development Centre
地址:香港九龍荔枝角海麗邨海雅樓地面4室 民社海麗兒童發展中心
收集時間:3:00pm-6:00pm (周一至周五)
中心電話: 36902384 或
Whatsapp: 5624 3757或
FB inbox: 民社海麗兒童發展中心 PSCHK Hoi Lai Children Development Centre
地址:香港九龍旺角西洋菜南街2A-2H號銀城廣場25樓The Wave
* 午飯:1:00pm-2:00pm
* 公眾假期除外,特別假期或前夕也會早收。
Whatsapp: 9442 5697或
FB inbox: Rolling Books
-> 📦若捐贈童書超過30本,請電郵至booksdonation@rollingbooks.hk或Whatsapp 9442 5697討論交收安排。