- 書籍捐贈(童書/大人書)
如果你想把你手上的書籍捐贈出來,讓它們的價值被重新發現,請將書籍交給Rolling Books!
【Rolling Books重新接受書籍捐贈】(2024年7月3日更新)
由現在開始,所接收的捐贈書籍將會用以配合未來Rolling Books的各項計劃,服務更多家庭、小朋友、大眾讀者。我們未來除了會接受二手童書捐贈外,也接受其他種類的二手書籍捐贈,以更可持續的書籍流轉方式,惠及更多基層及愛書家庭。Rolling Books的現有轉贈渠道之外,也會將部份書本交到旗下「七份一辦館/Bobo書車/市集活動」出售來補貼收集書本及分發的營運開支。以下為更多有關我們將會如何運用捐贈書籍的詳情:
以下是我們的書籍捐贈細則,煩請你細閱後,點擊下方「我要捐書」按鈕,向我們Rolling Books的官方WhatsApp 9442 5697 發送訊息告訴我們有意捐贈童書,為書本拍照給我們參考,以便我們做出對應的接收安排,謝謝你!
* 接收適合0至17歲兒童/青少年閱讀的中英文童書;適合大人閱讀的書籍,也會接收。
* 書本狀況良好,沒有破損,九成新或以上,也請先移除名稱貼紙,我們希望孩子們接收到童書時會感到大家的尊重。缺頁或塗花了的也恕不接納。
* CD、DVD、教科書、補充練習、宗教類、旅遊書或所有雜誌類恕不接納。
Pre-loved童書收集及轉贈,是Rolling Books自發的服務,讓愛書家庭得到優質童書,也鼓勵循環閱讀,是由Rolling Books在社企的服務中調動人手及資源運作的。我們更新了書籍使用方案及條款,希望以更可持續的書籍流轉方式,惠及更多基層及愛書家庭。
2024年9月開始,我們開始提供一項預約收書服務(貨車停在路邊地面,未能上門)(需付費HK$100-$200),有關收入用作支持我們半退休司機參與共融就業的閱讀項目。請WhatsApp 9442 5697查詢。
Rolling Books保留收集與否及處理圖書的最後權利。
Rolling Books
- How to donate books to Rolling Books
We value the circulation of pre-loved books! Please donate the books to Rolling Books, for us to re-distribute to the underprivileged families in Hong Kong.
Please read the below guidelines about books donation. You can WhatsApp us at 9442 5697 with the photos and quantity of the books, we would walk you through the procedures. (WhatsApp chatbox reply in Chinese only, if you cannot read Chinese, please email us at info@rollingbooks.hk for books donation arrangement)
Books donation guideline:
– We accept children’s books and grown-up books, in Chinese or English.
– Books in good to perfect condition only. Please remove name stickers in advance. We do wish children to feel respected when they receive books.
– No textbooks, exercise books, travel books, religious contents, or children’s magazines.
The collection and redistribution of pre-loved books, is a Rolling Books initiative to serve the community, while we encourage the circulation of books and reading. Rolling Books is allocating its social business resources for the storage and handling of books and distribution.
Hence, once you send relevant books photos to us, if they are suitable, we would invite you to arrange courier shipment (SF Express) to send to us, while you pay for the courier charges. Or you can send the books to our Fo Tan warehouse at the door for our collection later. We thank you for your support.
There is no staff on duty at our warehouse, we are not able to collect books in person. We are not able to pick up books from MTR. We apologize for the inconveniences.
From September 2024 onwards, we also offer a books collection service from your home/office at a professional fee. The fee collected shall be supporting our young old drivers in an inclusive reading program. Contact us at info@rollingbooks.hk for more details.
We reserve the rights to turn down unsuitable titles and/or to handle the collected books at our sole discretion. Some titles received may be sold through our social enterprise bookstores with the income supporting our distribution operations.
Rolling Books
Where do the books go?
~ 收集到流動的童書,滾動到小童的雙手 ~
Rolling Books透過不同的渠道向公眾收集高質二手童書,轉贈給予基層及少數族裔孩子。
過去,Rolling Books曾通過上門派發、社區童書分享、或者與夥伴的地區機構協作轉贈童書,將收集所得的童書滾動到更多愛閱讀的基層及少數族裔孩子的手上,讓他們得到更持續和更平等的閱讀機會。
Rolling Books推廣閱讀的使命有賴各位的支持,請你繼續將家中的優質童書轉交給Rolling Books,讓Rolling Books在未來的日子繼續把童書,滾動出去到達更多愛閱讀的小孩手上。